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Discover how Frog seamlessly incorporates XMTP payloads


First add the metadata indicating which protocols you support.

const addMetaTags = (client: string, version?: string) => {
  // Follow the OpenFrames meta tags spec
  return {
    unstable_metaTags: [
      { property: `of:accepts`, content: version || "vNext" },
      { property: `of:accepts:${client}`, content: version || "vNext" },
export const app = new Frog(addMetaTags("xmtp"));

Validate incoming messages:

Install the @xmtp/frames-validator package to validate incoming messages.

npm i @xmtp/frames-validator

Add the middleware to validate incoming messages.

import { validateFramesPost } from "@xmtp/frames-validator";
const xmtpSupport = async (c: Context, next: Next) => {
  // Check if the request is a POST and relevant for XMTP processing
  if (c.req.method === "POST") {
    const requestBody = (await c.req.json().catch(() => {})) || {};
    if (requestBody?.clientProtocol?.includes("xmtp")) {
      c.set("client", "xmtp");
      const { verifiedWalletAddress } = await validateFramesPost(requestBody);
      c.set("verifiedWalletAddress", verifiedWalletAddress);
    } else {
      // Add farcaster check
      c.set("client", "farcaster");
  await next();

Access verified wallet address:

app.frame("/", (c) => {
  /* Get Frame variables */
  const { buttonValue, inputText, status } = c;
  // XMTP verified address
  const { verifiedWalletAddress } = c?.var || {};
  /* return */